SHI Yan-rong1,2, XIE Yan-jun1,2, ZENG Shi-qing1,2 |
1. School of Tourism, Hainan University, Haikou 570228, China;
2. Tourism Experience Research & Design Center of Hainan University, Haikou 570228, China |
Abstract As a basic physiological need, diet is an indispensable part of daily life. With the gradual development of society toward abundance, food is undergoing a process of ongoing socialization with respect to daily living. Accordingly, it is necessary to examine special manifestations of individual diet in the tourism industry. Through speculative research, the present studied investigated the tourist experience of extreme, exotic foods; it also assessed related issues from the dual perspectives of daily living and tourism. This study produced a number of conclusions. First, compared with daily dietary activities, the food consumption behavior of tourists features experiential characteristics, which involve an alienation function and a polarization tendency. Functional alienation is mainly manifested in the landscape association and aestheticization of food production and consumption. Second, the internal driving force behind functional alienation with respect to food in the tourism industry is the binary opposition between tourism and daily living. Third, owing to that binary opposition, tourists have to deal with four obstacles when experiencing extreme foods:Physical, psychological, knowledgeable and technical, and social; the items are in decreasing order of problems for the tourist. The degree of separation or similarity between the eating situation and the place perceived by tourists affects the difficulty in surmounting those obstacles. Fourth, local food production and global food consumption achieve a coexistence of opposites in tourism. Finally, this study incorporates these theoretical underpinnings into a unified theoretical framework for tourism situation theory.
Received: 17 December 2020
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